We’re able to add sequential numbering or variable data to most of the keyrings we supply. You’ll usually see the option (and live price) for this on the keyring product page.
For sequential numbering, just tell us where you’d like the numbers to start from and run to - i.e 0 - 500 or “5000 - 10000”.
For variable data, after submitting your enquiry, please email your spreadsheet to info@justkeyrings.co.uk.
How to setup a variable data spreadsheet:
1. Setup a new spreadsheet
You can use any spreadsheet application to excel, google sheets, pages etc.
2. Add 1 column of data
Add the individual data needed on each keyring to each cell.
3. Save in .CSV format
Although we can accept most formats .xls, .pages etc)
If you have any other questions please let us know!